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Two Popular Credit Cards

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One million Arduino cards and clones have been sold every year since 2013 and more than 65 million blue CB cards are in circulation.
All blue cards.
Which do you use most often?

Credit Card CB

The CB blue card is a French invention born in 1967 to develop the use of the bank card to pay in any store.

In 1964 Roland Moreno invented the memory card or smart card.

It was in 1986 that we saw the appearance of the first bank chip card resulting from the combination of the two inventions.

Arduino Board

In 2002, Massimo Banzi started teaching computer science for physical systems. He teaches his students how to use and program an electronic card to create “prototypes of interactive objects”. The electronic cards used and available at the time were difficult to use in the context of learning (cards for industrial use, Windows, size, cost, etc.).

Massimo, therefore, imagines a complete and tailor-made solution called Programma: a development environment, a simple programming language, an electronic card that you can make and wire yourself and tutorials.

We can well imagine the enthusiasm and satisfaction of the students to work with this unified, simplified and efficient environment.

But Massimo wants to go further in his approach. He wants to transform the success of Programma into something universal and accessible to a large audience.

Massimo BANZI 

In 2005, with four other designers or computer scientists like him, he created Arduino. It is a printed circuit equipped with a small microcontroller, a serial link and especially small holes allowing the connection of sensors (temperature, humidity, light, sound, vibration, push-button) and actuators ( LED diodes, motors, displays…).
The core of the Arduino project development team is made up of Massimo Banzi (Italy), David Cuartuelles (Spain), Tom Igoe (United States), Gianluca Martino (Italy), David Mellis (United States) and Nicholas Zambetti (Italy).

From left to right: David Mellis, David Cuartuelles, GIanluca Martino, Massimo Banzi,

Arduino is “Open Source”. This means that you can download the original diagram and use it to make your own map and sell it without paying copyright. “Open Source” has made it possible to rapidly diffuse the Arduino concept around the world to generate a very large community that is constantly improving the cards.

In 2017, there were approximately three million units sold, not counting counterfeits or legal copies.
The number of users greatly exceeds this because anyone can make their Arduino board. The only Chinese copies distributed are estimated at three or four million copies.

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