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With PIRoS (Perception, interaction, social robotics), Mohamed Chetouani created the first French integrated research team in social robotics. Surrounded by clinicians and artificial intelligence experts, he has successfully brought information and communication technologies to the service of children with autism spectrum disorders. Holder of a thesis in signal processing, Mohamed Chetouani has always relied on […]
March 26, 2020
In the educational context, there are three practical educational applications of robotics: the learning of robotics, learning with robotics and learning by robotics. The educational purpose of the latter is the acquisition of mathematical, scientific and technological knowledge and skills, but also the acquisition of transversal skills and the development of students’ cognitive, metacognitive and […]
March 19, 2020
The purpose of this post (a little unusual) is to illustrate in a simple way the incredible potential effectiveness of social distancing measures (limiting meetings, hygiene, telecommuting, closing schools …) when faced with an epidemic that turns into a pandemic. An epidemic is a chain reaction, and that changes everything about the potential impact of […]
March 15, 2020
Honeybee Robotics has been developing robots for several years, especially for space exploration. In recent months, the company has been working on a flying robot capable of landing on rocks and analyzing them. Honeybee has developed a range of high-performance planetary technologies, including excavation systems, surface geotechnical drilling, exploration and sampling exercises at a depth […]
March 13, 2020
Are you looking for a LiDAR with certain specifications but you don’t know which ones are unacceptable to carry out your project? It is sometimes essential to make concessions, it remains to make the right ones. In this article, we will help you with choosing the right LiDAR for your project. We provide you with some […]
March 13, 2020
Definition – What Is A LiDAR? A LiDAR is an electronic component that is part of the family of sensors. More specifically, it belongs to the category of time of flight sensors (ToF). A sensor collects data on a physical parameter such as temperature, humidity, light, weight, distance, etc. The acronym LiDAR stands for Light […]
March 11, 2020
The past few years have seen the rise of the integration of new technologies in classrooms. Robots, allowing young students to grasp programming, to familiarize themselves with new technologies, or to develop scientific thinking, occupy a prominent place in the 2.0 toolbox of many teachers. Tangible and fascinating objects, they stimulate the attention of students. […]
March 11, 2020
This Arduino based project tutorial was made by an amateur and is mainly intended for other amateurs of the genre or anyone with a little curiosity for this type of electronic assemblies. The author calls in advance for the benevolence of the venerable experts who would like to dig a little in the code or […]
March 7, 2020
Did you know that it is possible to program the micro: bit card with a smartphone? For those who do not know micro: bit, this is a single-board computer (like Raspberry Pi or Arduino) launched by the BBC in 2015. Since then, this nano-computer the size of half a credit card has conquered the world […]
March 6, 2020
The robotic arms that we distribute are intended for research laboratories, universities, development research units. Here we present a comparison between four large robotic arms, with 6 or 7 axes and ROS compatible. What Applications For Robotic Arms In Research? In the laboratory or in the R&D department, robotic arms are used in different fields […]